God uses circumstance in order to get us alone with Him. It is His way of
removing distractions so that we might focus on Him. No one likes to be alone all the time. God created
us to be social creatures and as such we enjoy and need the company of others.
However, we can make the desire to be
around people too important. Then we end up pushing God away and succumb to the temptation to fill our lonely spaces with work, family and friends
instead of Him.
The lonely spaces are where God can speak to us without interruption or distraction. He wants us to be reflective people. Reflection requires solitude and solitude requires stillness and one-on-one time with Him. The Wuest translation of Galatians 1:9 reads, “Oh you unreflective Galatians.” (In other translations unreflective is rendered as "foolish.") Paul was condemning them for being led astray because they weren't taking time to ponder and think things through in God's presence.
God allowed John the apostle to be exiled to the Isle of Patmos, a place where he likely had great opportunity for solitude. It was there that God revealed to him the vision of the end of the world and had him write it down for our warning and encouragement.
Martin Luther translated the New Testament into German while in exile, hidden away at Wartburg castle. From his lonely and extraordinary efforts the German people were given God's word in their own native tongue. John Bunyan wrote the Pilgrims Progress while in prison. First published in 1678, it has never been out of print. How often has imprisonment been a time a blessing when a saint's eyes are turned toward God!
Perhaps you are feeling imprisoned by your current circumstances. You may be feeling immobile and frustrated, no where to go, no activity to throw yourself into. Loneliness aches at your edges. Be assured God is still with you. He is right beside and will never leave you or forsake you. While you might be longing for human companionship there is a reason you are alone, and the reason may be that God wants to draw you closer to Himself. Do not view this as a punishment or trial, but as a blessing and opportunity to know the One who loves you so very much. When the purpose is fulfilled, there will come a time of busyness and human companionship. Your solitude will vanish and you will look wistfully back on these days of uninterrupted time with Him.
The lonely spaces are where God can speak to us without interruption or distraction. He wants us to be reflective people. Reflection requires solitude and solitude requires stillness and one-on-one time with Him. The Wuest translation of Galatians 1:9 reads, “Oh you unreflective Galatians.” (In other translations unreflective is rendered as "foolish.") Paul was condemning them for being led astray because they weren't taking time to ponder and think things through in God's presence.
God allowed John the apostle to be exiled to the Isle of Patmos, a place where he likely had great opportunity for solitude. It was there that God revealed to him the vision of the end of the world and had him write it down for our warning and encouragement.
Martin Luther translated the New Testament into German while in exile, hidden away at Wartburg castle. From his lonely and extraordinary efforts the German people were given God's word in their own native tongue. John Bunyan wrote the Pilgrims Progress while in prison. First published in 1678, it has never been out of print. How often has imprisonment been a time a blessing when a saint's eyes are turned toward God!
Perhaps you are feeling imprisoned by your current circumstances. You may be feeling immobile and frustrated, no where to go, no activity to throw yourself into. Loneliness aches at your edges. Be assured God is still with you. He is right beside and will never leave you or forsake you. While you might be longing for human companionship there is a reason you are alone, and the reason may be that God wants to draw you closer to Himself. Do not view this as a punishment or trial, but as a blessing and opportunity to know the One who loves you so very much. When the purpose is fulfilled, there will come a time of busyness and human companionship. Your solitude will vanish and you will look wistfully back on these days of uninterrupted time with Him.
"To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven."
Ecclesiastes 3:1 (KJV)
Ecclesiastes 3:1 (KJV)